Integrated Drupal module for our API
Extended API for businesses and organizations who run their e-commerce using Drupal
Click&Collect. Still unbreakable in 2023

Despite the fact that the waves of coronavirus mayhem are already in the past and people returned to the pre-coronavirus routine, certain habits still remain the same.
More and more people substitute the regular visits to the grocery or local stores with the online shopping. Why do they do this? The answer is really simple – making purchases with several clicks on the internet is a much more pleasant experience than staying in long lines at the store. You can buy a product online, select the delivery method and pick up your order anywhere and at any convenient time. To get the product you want, there is no need to even leave your house. Just click online and collect it wherever you want. That is how Click&Collect service model appeared in our life.
Omnichannel e-commerce is rapidly developing and strives to provide a seamless user experience. To increase client’s satisfaction with services, businesses based on e-commerce models offer various delivery options: address delivery, delivery to the pick-up points at the stores, or delivery to the 24/7 parcel terminals.
Parcel terminal delivery
What does our team do when we hear the words “Parcel terminal” and “delivery methods”? We hurry to help, as Mint Innovations has vast expertise in implementing software solutions to manage parcel locker networks. If you are the owner of an online shopping site or sell your products online, don’t hesitate to try our LOKO App solution and add the parcel terminal delivery option to your website.
Mint Innovations offers large-scale solutions for businesses based on Click&Collect service models. We provide an open API, that covers a high scope of handy features when ordering from e-commerce website to the parcel locker:
- finding the nearest parcel terminals by address
- checking for available parcel boxes at the terminal
- listing the boxes with the special accessibility level (parcel lockers for impaired persons, children, heavy cargos)
- box reservation options (for example, until the client completes the order and pays for the products)
- change the box size while delivering products
- monitoring delivery progress
- mechanism to send notifications
- convenient and understandable UX for receiving a parcel at the parcel terminal.
And much more!
Cool, right? We can’t disagree. And that’s why we’ve decided to make our system more shareable and adapted to different integration models.
Who said Drupal?
Recently, we came up with the idea to implement an integrated module on Drupal to facilitate the integration for sites running on Drupal, which is a hugely popular open source CMS. In particular, Drupal Commerce modules are enriched with e-commerce functional features that allow businesses to build a complete user journey when shopping online.
If you try to Google “websites on Drupal” you’ll find a lot of results. Perhaps even your business got acquainted with the “e-commerce world” on such a website. According to recent research, there are around 45000 websites using Drupal commerce modules.
The company of skilled Drupal developers – DevBranch helped us to implement this idea. They are the members of the Drupal Community Ukraine and actively maintain global association, contributing to Drupal development. DevBranch always hosts local IT events in their city. More than 35 team members, with a majority of Senior-level ones. So, here we relied on their expertise. We did not miss the opportunity to attend such an event and demonstrate our cooperation project (BTW. credits to these guys for the organization, quick results, the best quality and delicious pizza).

As a result, we managed to implement our API methods in the form of a Drupal commerce plugin, which can be connected and launched on your site as an “middleman” between your site and our parcel locker managing system. We also optimized delivery workflow. Now the admins can set up the delivery in the LOKO App (indicate the API domain, the authorization token and the shipment cost). Moreover, a user can choose the preferred pickup parcel terminal from the list.
Needless to say, this is one more “why” to contact us and start scaling your online business by offering parcel delivery to your customers. Want to know how our software solutions can benefit your online store or delivery business? Check our LOKO App solution and don’t hesitate to contact us. We are ready to find the best solution for you and boost your business!
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